Dog Boarding, Spaying/Neutering, Post-surgery Care
Our Golden Years Program for senior dogs aims to give them the love and attention they need in the absence of their parents.
Giving a dog up in his senior years is not an option. Your dog is your responsibility until his last breath. However, we have heard from parents who have genuine reasons for relocating their senior dogs, in the interest of their dogs' well-being.
For instance, if you live in an apartment and have an Arthritic dog who is struggling to move on your tiled floor, we are happy to help. If a senior dog has lost his parent / primary caregiver and is left high and dry, we are happy to help. Our Golden Years Program aims to help senior dogs and their parents deal with health and lifestyle challenges that come with age. We want to work with parents who have a serious intent to invest in their senior dog's well-being in the long run. If you have a genuine reason for moving your senior dog under our roof and are willing to cover his/her maintenance and medical expenses in the long run, we are happy to provide a loving home away from home, good food and medical attention. And have you visit your dog as often as you like.
Not all senior dogs will qualify to be in this program. We do not encourage dumping your senior dog simply because you do not want to make the effort to care for him/her. Senior dogs who wish to move into Dog House will be evaluated based on their current health status, challenges their parents are facing and the parents' willingness and ability to cover costs in the long run.