Dog Boarding, Dog SURRENDER, Spaying/Neutering
Vaccinating, spaying and neutering the dogs of our community go a long way in alleviating their suffering by way of protecting them from diseases and preventing the birth of unwanted pups. Homeless mother dogs suffer from malnutrition during pregnancies, which occur every six months, and struggle to feed their puppies. Pups are often run over by vehicles or die of starvation and diseases. Vaccination also ensures safety for humans and allows dogs and humans to co-exist peacefully.
Dog House vaccinates and sterilizes village dogs living in the vicinity, fosters them during the post-op recovery period and releases them back safely into their territories.
Let's join hands and do our bit for our wonderful native dogs. If you wish to sponsor vaccination and sterilization for a village dog, please WhatsApp 9500058836.
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